Melissa Shoes
There is much to shoes that we don't know about (trust me). But when it comes to mixing fashion with affordable, Melissa is the big player you can't go around. Sophisticated, stylish and eco-friendly, Melissa Shoes have been walking the globe for over 30 years and they are still trendy. Designers such as V. Westwood orJP Gaultier are a just a few of the world's leading designers who have collaborated to create their own lines. But the Brazilian brand aspires for more. With a less well-known name here in Thailand, Melissa wishes to strategically accentuate its social media and digital awareness towards a demanding target : neo-fashionistas.
With only popup stores scattered across the city, social media was the only place where the brand could have a consistent and driving presence. But like everywhere else in the world, fashion relies on people, brand ambassadors. And this comes with a cost. A high cost.
So we asked ourselves, what better way to showcase a hip and "human-like" brand such as Melissa than using the best ambassadors of all ? Fans. We had our angle.

Melissa by "Melissas"
True value lies within your fans ! Who better than your own customers can speak about it and testify to it ? When it comes to brand advocacy, we know how to turn your fans into a powerful social weapon.
We used various social listening tools and analytics to scan the digital space, social media platforms, audience networks to gather and curate qualified contents shaping brand value.
We added to it our Melissa's "touch" by creating original brand-owned pieces, to inspire while educating a wider social community, on the fact that Melissa holds a leading spot in the fashion industry. We released infographics, artworks, web-only promos to drive awareness and social engagement

To increase top-of-mind notoriety on a steady basis, it was important to maximize the interaction between the brand and its fans. As a "lifestyle" actor, Melissa has a deep emotional value on which we wanted to build this social engagement . To get to the next level while being able to use the power of a young demographic, we developed multiple social contests. Garçon! is used to design, run and monitor challenges, contests or games for brands, we then designed a unique Facebook platform where fans could come up and answer any challenging questions in an enter-to-win process.

+80% in engagement rate (avg of 18% vs 2% avg worldwide)
+5,000 organic fans acquisition

+120% of shared posts

+12,000 impressions generated through the contest
100% the level of satisfaction on the social media accounts
+66% of incoming social inquiries (stores location, prices, online sales, delivery...)