The Smile Bar
Ever heard of The Land of Smiles? Great. But the Land-of-ever-bright-and-shinny-smiles? Well, we're working on it. If there's anything better that our lame catchphrase, it's the power of a radiant smile. And with a growing presence in Philippines, Hong Kong or Malaysia, Thailand was the upcoming hot spot to cross off the list where to get your teeth brighten in just 20min. Packing strong promises, unmatched product quality at a lofty price, The Smile Bar relied 120% on social media to drive traffic. Easy peasy.
Simple. Just blast a few "we're the best" on Facebook, couple of over-saturated shots on Instagram and we're good right? *Gasps* Turns out it's a little bit more tricky than that. Oral care has only been around recently and is far from being a major focus in Thailand. Often associated with complicated procedures, long and painful sessions, mistrusts in providers and hefty price tags, it became clear that to make it work and win over our audience's faith, it was all about 2 things: education and proof-by-results.
We had our angle.
Let's start with a very simple equation. Teeth Whitening = (Why? + How?) x (Kinda scary) - $$$. Once we got that, we had our social media strategy all lined up. So we started with the "why" part. Why would people go through the trouble of having whiter teeth. We created a clear yet super efficient storytelling giving background and context to why one would go through the process, emphasizing on the benefits with a strong focus on making it relatable and empathetic.
Step by Step
Blog posts
Social Media Engagement (organic)
Now that we were laying down the basics, it was becoming urgent to taking it up a notch and tackle the "scary" part. Basically, reassuring our audience on the fast and harmless process. And to do so, we added our ow agency special touch and branded the whole experience as social, fun and edgy.
We teamed up with local influencers and invited them to discover The Smile Bar while sharing their experience across their social media channels. We crafted the storytelling in-house while giving our KOLs the freedom to share their journey their own way.
3.1 Million
social media users reached within the first 4 months - no ads!
Next? Well, now that The Smile Bar's awareness was spreading online, it was time to start converting those beautiful likes into even more beautiful customers. Turning engagement into actual foot traffic can be quite tricky and expensive with paid media. Capitalizing on retargeting was too early as our audience was still only getting familiar with the process and still lacked a strong hook to get them across the door.
Video Testimonials - weekly
Produced & edited in-house
Authentic, relatable storytelling
Short, highly shareable
Organic Views per Testimonial
(in average)
Last, we designed click-efficient remarketing campaigns on Facebook and Instagram targeted at those still hesitating after having shown to be interested by our social media efforts.
Flash Sales
Video promos
Let's talk numbers
6-Month results